About the Author - St. George Decoded, page 19
I grew up in London, England, and was educated in a London grammar school. A local public library had such treasures as "Mayan Art and Civilisation" which opened my eyes to ancient cultures and their mythology.
At college I studied Pure Maths, Applied Maths, and Physics. Mathematics or astrophysics was my destiny until I was seduced by the promise of computers. Astronomy and mythology took a back seat to a career in high technology. Magazines such as New Scientist, Scientific American, and Astronomy kept me in touch with the sciences. During this period I discovered the groundbreaking epic work of "Hamlet's Mill" by Santillana and von Dechend and was determined to make a contribution to this field using my twin interests of astronomy and mythology. Latter years have seen more time to spend on this in between the occasional projects. This essay is the first of several publications on the matter of decoding mythology.
Roy Taylor - 2006