St. George Decoded - Conclusion, page 13


I believe we have done the ancient compilers of this legend a great disservice. They encoded a major astronomical event into our new religion, only for later generations to diminish the significance of this system of astronomical 'World Ages'. The importance of events up there in the sky withered, for Christianity is not a sky cult. While we celebrated St. George as a good example to all Christians, we forgot that his battle was of cosmic proportions. Today, our fantasies are played out in Hollywood movies which have no inner significance. Our ancestors played out their fantasies in the night sky above them, and buried in their stories a rich cosmology available to any who could find the key.

In a moment of pure serendipity, St. George and his Dragon dropped, literally, out of the sky I was studying and into my lap. I hope that I have now restored St. George to his proper place as the warrior who set the Virgin free from the Dragon to become Queen of the Autumn equinox.

It is sad that in these impious days we no longer respect the ways of our ancestors, for they knew something we have forgotten: we are coming to the close of a World Age. As the ancients knew so well, there can only be trouble and strife ahead until a new World Age is established. For rationalists and those who believe in continual progress, this is all superstitious nonsense from our prescientific past. Nevertheless, whether you count yourself as a devout religionist or a convinced rationalist, I hope my little essay has illuminated a corner of our mythological heritage and elevated St. George to his proper place up there in the sky. It's only a thought, but out of respect to ancient custom, shouldn't we now rename the constellation of Perseus to that of St. George?