St. George Decoded - Contents, page 2


Foreword, 3

Introduction, 4

The Legend of St. George, 5

The Historical George, 6

An Astronomy Lesson, 7

The wobble in the axis, 7

Solstice and equinox, 8

Marking the equinox, 8

The equinox stars have shifted, 9

Constellations of the equinoxes, 10

A new constellation, a new age, 10

Decoding the Legend, 11

Freeing the virgin from the dragon, 11

Sacrificing the sheep, 11

The stake as world axis, 11

St. George in all his glory, 11

A king is also born, 11

A sky show, 11

Converting the Opposition, 12

Conclusion, 13

Appendix 1: The Cult of Mithras, 14

Appendix 2: Some More Dragon Lore, 15

A dragon can only be killed by..., 15

Guards a hoard of treasure, 15

Breathes fire, burns people, 15

Appendix 3: Effect of Rising Sun, 16

Appendix 4: Bibliography, 17

Appendix 5: Useful Links, 18

About the Author, 19